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ZEN QUOTE of the WEEK Posted by Paul DiSegna on July 22, 2016

FOUR ALL–EMBRACING VOWSBeings are numberless; I vow to awaken them.Delusions are inexhaustible; I vow to transform them.Dharmas are boundless; I vow to comprehend them.The awakened way is incomparable; I vow to embody it. Excerpted from:Zen Chants: Thirty-Five Essential Texts with CommentaryKazuaki Tanahashi, page 30.

Ocean of Dharma- The Everyday Wisdom of Chogyam Trungpa Posted by Paul DiSegna on July 21, 2016

Ocean of Dharma- The Everyday Wisdom of Chogyam Trungpa
THE WATERFALL OF PEACEWe often say that meditation practice is about the development of peace. By peace, we mean the experience of being precisely on the dot, which cools down the jumpiness of our minds and the heat of our emotional neurosis. Experiencing this precision is analogous to sitting under a waterfall and letting a cool mountain stream p...

​Do affirmations work? Posted by Paul DiSegna on July 21, 2016

​Do affirmations work?
Do affirmations work?I've always had issues with affirmations. I first encountered them in Louise Hay'sYou Can Heal Your Life, a book whose "big idea" is that our emotions create the root cause of all physical ailments. The book lists a number of physical illnesses and the supposed emotional cause behind each one, along with an affirmatio...