Wandering in the world of desire involves looking for alternatives, seeking something to comfort us—food, drink, people. The word desireencompasses that addiction quality, the way we grab for something because we want to find a way to make things okay. That quality comes from never having grown up. We still want to go home and be able to ...
With every passing day, our world becomes a bit more tightly interconnected. More than ever, what goes around comes around. Here are 50 tips for success in such a world…1. Anytime you interact with another person, the first three words in your head should be: help this person.2. If a person is too selfish, nasty or scary for you to help&...
"Re-posted from MyHolisticVillage.com"Here's a cost effective way to make natural insect repellents that really work!There are a number of essential oils that insects find distasteful or cause them to become confused. You're about to learn how to use that to your advantage.Since oil and water don't mix, you'll need to use a carrier oil or...