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The Coronation Posted by Paul DiSegna on April 17, 2020

The CoronationBy: Charles EisensteinMarch 2020For years, normality has been stretched nearly to its breaking point, a rope pulled tighter and tighter, waiting for a nip of the black swan's beak to snap it in two. Now that the rope has snapped, do we tie its ends back together, or shall we undo its dangling braids still further, to see what we might...

Quote of the day - Sunday, April 5, 2020 Posted by Paul DiSegna on April 5, 2020

"If you know someone who's depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn't a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather.Try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness, and loneliness they're going through. Be there for them when they come through the other side. It's hard to be ...