Sensitive vs Fragile
"So sensitive!" the phrase is used
When 'feelings' do get hurt
The idea sensitivity
Is bad does disconcert
Sensitive is vital
It's a show of empathy
Awareness of what's going on
In others, not just "me"
But 'sensitive' too often comes
With armor far too thin
Fragility; so quick to wound
No leather, just soft skin
To have great sensitivity
But also heavy shield
Is empathy and endurance
Only the wisest wield
To be awake, aware, attuned
But also withstand fire
To see the ugliness and wrong
To wade through the quagmire
With hands that do not tremble and
With voice that's stern and steady
With deep breaths slow, deliberate
And clear mind, sharp and ready
Only 1 in 100
Aren't triggered and don't crack
Only few are sensitive
While still immune to flak
Because they have discarded the
Weak plate that posed a threat
To the integrity of their defense:
The ego's fret
Be sensitive, awake, aware
Be mindful, but not frail
Fragility will cause these gifts
To lead to no avail