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The Road- A Metaphor

THE ROAD by Ariana Strozzi Mazzucchi © 2017

The road goes in
The road goes out
The road goes in
The road goes out.

I follow the road in
Walking through fields of golden grass dried by the heat of the sun
The tender seed heads pointing the way inward on the quietly moving breeze
I follow moving ever closer to the talking trees
Announcing my arrival on their whispering branches.

The road narrows becoming a dirt path of bare earth
Passed and trespassed many times before me
The rich aromas of the pine tips fill my lungs
My heart calms, my breath deepens
I am home.

The road goes in
The road goes out
The road goes in
The road goes out.

I follow the road out
My step quickens as I move onto the once hidden path
As I leave the shelter of the trees, the breeze catches my breath
I lean into it as I walk through the golden meadow
Smelling the salty air on silent trails
The path becomes the road
The blue of the sea mixes with the blue of the sky
Grass, water, sky
Grass, water, sky.

The road ends abruptly at the cliff.
Below the ocean beckons of things afar
The sky is right before me with its past, present and future.

I could turn left towards the familiar
I could turn right towards the certainty of narrow minds
I could step off the road and jump into the unknown waters
Where the waves will take me where I am supposed to go
My watery intuition knows the way
There are no words to say.

The road goes in
The road goes out
The road goes in
The road goes out.

THE ROAD by Ariana Strozzi Mazzucchi © 2017

Are you following the road in, connecting to yourself?
Or are you following the road out into the world? What does your 'road in' look like, feel like? Is it familiar? How do you feel once you are there? What is your 'road out' look like, feel like? How do you feel out there?

Perhaps you traverse each road daily. Take time to reflect on your sensate changes bringing awareness and perspective to the road you are on. By bringing your chosen perspective to the road you are on, you can find pebbles of meaning to make these uncertain times more navigable. Bringing choice to the path you are on (as in choosing the perspective you bring to the moment in front of you) empowers you. Focusing your intent on a clear mind, deep breath, even bringing your sense of smell brings much needed resilience and flexibility. In these times do not dwell too long in any one perspective, but rather allow yourself to be moved like the golden blades of grass, finishing this season and sending seeds into the future.
Blessings from Ariana & Casey Mazzucchi

Paul DiSegna on Google+ August 31, 2017