What People Will Think
By Miro
You know what must be done but 4 words always hold you back:
"What will people think?" has always halted your attack
Those 4 words keep you from doing the things that must be done
To own your life and live with confidence but everyone
Casts judging eyes which make you second-guess yourself and say
"They'll think I'm weird or crazy" if you choose a different way
But here's the truth about what they will say if you decide
To empower yourself and choose to not blend in or hide
The cowards will think, "I wish I could be so very bold"
The narcissists will think, "There's one less that can be controlled"
The fighters will think, "If they can then perhaps I can too"
The Warrior won't think a thing 'cause they're right beside you
Do not be timid with your health, opinion or your soul
Do not allow what others think to unnerve or cajole
The weak and selfish will think poorly, the strong will be inspired
And none of it will play a part in what will be acquired
When you have done the work and earned unyielding self-respect
When you have sacrificed and sweat and kept your ego checked
When you have paid the price for iron will and steely grit
Nothing people think will ever coerce you to quit
Miro | April 28, 2016 at 3:03 pm | Tags: confidence, criticism, ego, fear, health, inspiration, inspire, judgement, narcissist, poem, poet, poetry, self respect, warrior, warrior poet wisdom, wisdom, yoga | URL: http://wp.me/p1Ac3o-15G