Whether we're willing to admit it or not, each one of us has something great to share. But too many of us struggle with getting others to realize how great our gift really is, or making sure our what we have can reach the ones who really need it.
I'm talking about the business owner struggling to get enough clients.
The employee who takes care of everything, only to be ignored while other people are receiving all the thanks and credit.
The caretakers giving all their time, heart and energy to others, but feel like they're taken for granted.
The folks still waiting for the love of their life to show up, knowing they'd have so much to give if only the right person was there to receive it.
What is it going to take for the world to notice and appreciate what you have to offer?
The Squirrel and the Peanuts
One of my clients had a great story to share with me the other day.
He told me about a friend of his that would feed the squirrels in his backyard. The squirrels would eat peanuts right out of this guy's hand, much to my client's astonishment.
"How do you get them to eat right out of your hand like that?" he wondered.
His friend replied: "It's easy! You can do it too. All I do is I look at those peanuts and I think about how good and delicious they are. I think, those are some real tasty peanuts. They smell so good, I think I would really like to eat them myself... but squirrel, if you want to have some, you're welcome to come on over."
And, so the story goes, my client did exactly what his friend told him to do, and lo and behold, squirrels were eating out of his hand in no time.
What about your gifts?
It may seem like you're doing all you can to offer your gifts to the world, just waiting for someone to notice and appreciate them. But what does the world really think of your gifts?
More importantly... what do YOU think about your own gifts?
If you're feeling frustrated with being unappreciated, not noticed or valued, lost in the shuffle... I invite you to take a look at your gifts and take some time to appreciate them for yourself. Really feel into that appreciation: what you really value about yourself, and why you think its so amazing. You could even talk lovingly out loud about how great your gifts are in every way.
And if no one else appreciates what you have... at least you can.
But I wonder if that might change things for you, maybe just a little... if as a result of you increasing appreciation for yourself, others might start to notice your gifts more and gratefully receive them as you'd like them to. I wonder if that story about the squirrel and the peanuts could be a metaphor for your life. If what all those books and spiritual teachers say is true, that the outside world's response to you is merely a reflection of your own self-perception...
Only you can figure that out for yourself.
With love,
![]() Reminder: The first phone meeting for the free Healing With Numbers Mini-Course is happening soon: Tuesday, February 21 @ 7:00 PM Eastern Time PIN: 84393# Can't make this call? Maybe you can make one of the other two! Save these dates and times: Call #2: Repeating Numbers & Angel Numbers - Friday, February 24 @ 12:00 Noon Eastern Time Call #3: Healing Your Life Path - Tuesday, February 28 @ 7:00 PM Eastern Time |