By Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, FRCP The promise that aging can be defeated is centuries old, and many biological approaches keep cropping up in medical science. It seems only natural to suppose that our bodies age because our cells do, and our cells age because something has gone amiss at the genetic level—so the current thinking tends to go. But if you probe deeper, aging is embedded in the mystery of time. Until that mystery is resolved, human aging won't really be understood. When people think about growing old, they blame the passage of time—the years roll by, and the body stops looking younger year by year. But the cells that make up your body live only in the present. The now is the only location that is timeless. This is one reason memory remains such a mystery. Brain cells function through electrochemical activity that occurs the instant a chemical reaction or electrical impulse is able to occur. There are no pauses to think about reacting; if the potential is there, the action must follow. Whatever a brain cell does, it can't go back to the past. So how do we seem to go back into the past when we remember a childhood birthday party or our first kiss? No one knows, but when the answer is found, it won't involve time travel, either forward or backward. It is our ability to transcend time that makes memory possible. In order to live in the present, this ability must be brought back into your awareness. You need to remember how to be timeless. Biologically, the crux of aging lies in the gap between how a cell lives, which is always in the now, and how a person lives. As people, we repeat the past, get stuck in old habits, cling to stubborn beliefs, fear the future, and in general occupy mental states that are not in the now. In other words, all the symptoms that arise from being stuck in time can be traced to a person's state of consciousness. Consciousness trumps biology for the simple reason that our bodies respond to our thoughts, moods, and mental states ranging from depression and anxiety to joy and inspiration. If you can return to the now, you close the gap between your life and the life of your cells. By doing this, you can prevent aging or even reverse it. That's not a mystical or hypothetical statement. It has been acknowledged for over a generation of aging research that chronological age isn't as important as biological age. Two people passing their fiftieth birthday can be biologically younger or older, depending on many factors. The factors that you have control over are in consciousness, for the simple reason that lifestyle is a conscious choice, and lifestyle is the greatest determiner of biological age, far more than so-called good or bad genes. This argument has been reinforced by showing that the controller of genetic activity, the epigenome, responds to the major events in a... |