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Heart Advice Quote of the Week from Pema Chodron Posted by Paul DiSegna on July 31, 2019

Move Toward DifficultyEverything that occurs is not only usable and workable but is actually the path itself. We can use everything that happens to us as the means for waking up. We can use everything that occurs—whether it's our conflicting emotions and thoughts or our seemingly outer situation—to show us where we are asleep and how we...

How to Have a Healthy Relationship Posted by Paul DiSegna on July 30, 2019

How to Have a Healthy RelationshipQ: How can I have a healthy relationship if I had no good role models?The first thing to do is to cultivate a healthy relationship with yourself. And that's a challenge, if you've never had any models, you don't know what you don't know. You have a lot of thoughts that you don't even recognize as problematic though...