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NEVER HAVE ENOUGH TIME? HERE’S A GAME CHANGER Posted by Paul DiSegna on March 31, 2017

"I don't have enough time!""I'm running late!""Don't waste my time.""I am short on time.""I'll never get that time back.""Where did the time go?"Right now I am holding my breath. Those sentences are part of the script that runs through my mind on a daily basis. Can you tell I have a scarci...

Questioning, Harmony & Forgiveness Posted by Paul DiSegna on March 19, 2017

Questioning, Harmony & Forgiveness
I have found that it is okay to Question my placein the Universe, to wonder where I belong.The answers come through Harmony and Forgiveness.Always aim at complete harmony of thought andword and deed. Always aim at purifying yourthoughts and everything will be well.--Mohandas K. GandhiSeven Stones Leadership Group9 Damon Mill Square, Suite 2H Concor...

When you have a gift... Posted by Paul DiSegna on February 17, 2017

When you have a gift...
When you have a gift... but no one wants it aka "The Squirrel Story"Whether we're willing to admit it or not, each one of us has something great to share. But too many of us struggle with getting others to realize how great our gift really is, or making sure our what we have can reach the ones who really need it.I'm talking about the busi...