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Quote of the day - Monday, May 27, 2019 Posted by Paul DiSegna on May 27, 2019

"137 years later, Memorial Day remains one of America's most cherished patriotic observances. The spirit of this day has not changed - it remains a day to honor those who died defending our freedom and democracy. "-Doc Hastings

Quote of the day - Sunday, May 26, 2019 Posted by Paul DiSegna on May 26, 2019

I think midlife is when the universe gently places her hand upon your shoulder, pulls you close, and whispers in your ear:"I'm not screwing around. It's time. All of this pretending and performing - these coping mechanisms that you've developed to protect yourself from feeling inadequate and getting hurt - has to go.Time is growing short. Ther...

Quote of the day - Saturday, May 25, 2019 Posted by Paul DiSegna on May 25, 2019

"To be fully engaged in the process of learning is to be fully alive, moment by moment. To experience being fully alive is the ultimate goal - to be awake, free from all trances of the egoic mind."-Jack Elias