It's time for a new kind of leader, one whose fundamental role is to serve as a Chief Energy Officer, responsible for mobilizing, focusing, inspiring, and regularly recharging the energy of those they lead. Energy, after all, is contagious — especially so for leaders, by virtue of their disproportionate position and power. The way leaders fee...
Posted by Paul DiSegna
on February 24, 2016
If we want there to be peace in the world, then we have to take responsibility when our own hearts and minds harden and close. We have to be brave enough to soften what is rigid, to find the soft spot and stay with it. We have to have that kind of courage and take that kind of responsibility. That's true spiritual warriorship. That's the true pract...
Posted by Paul DiSegna
on February 23, 2016
Last Wednesday, I saw a video posted in a private Facebook group by "Joey", a man I work with professionally, and whom I really look up to and respect as a mentor. I always thought of Joey as a guy who had it all together, although I knew he wasn't afraid to express his heart.I really got to see that sensitive side of him in the video, wh...