Using Reiki, Crystals and Acupressure to Help You Sleep by Kriss EricksonThe calming, balancing frequencies of Reiki encourage a deep state of relaxation and trust that all in life is occurring as it must. That doesn’t mean that every moment in life feels ‘prefect’. The bigger perspective of Reiki helps to remind us that evenwhen ...
At some point, we know we can work with our mind. We’ve listened to the dharma and pondered it. If someone is continually angry with us—a family member, for example—it occurs to us that we have tools to work with this intelligently and kindly. But what about our parents or siblings? Although we may have a long way to go, t...
BY PEMA CHÖDRÖN| MAY 1, 2007We base our lives on seeking happiness and avoiding suffering, but the best thing we can do for ourselves—and for the planet—is to turn this whole way of thinking upside down. Pema Chödrön shows us Buddhism’s radical side.On a very basic level all beings think that they shoul...