Fear kills more...
Posted by Paul DiSegna
on August 13, 2014
Marc Chernoff By taking a leap of faith, you find out who you are truly capable of becoming. Faith sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible; it's about believing when it's beyond the power of reason to believe. And courage is being scared to death, and then taking the next step anyway. May you always find the faith and ...
Sit quietly for a few minutes and become mindful of your breath as it goes in and out. Then contemplate what you do when you’re unhappy or dissatisfied and want to feel better. Even make a list if you want to. Then ask yourself: Does it work? Has it ever worked? Does it soothe the pain? Does it escalate the pain? If you’re really honest...
Lost Your Mind?
Posted by Paul DiSegna
on August 11, 2014
Congratulations! I heard that you lost your mind. Don't waste your time looking for it. Enjoy your newfound freedom.Jean-Pierre "Raven" GregoireAuthor of Love's True Home, Inspirational Writer, Life Coach, Romantic Poet, Mystic of Mayhem, Ghost Writer, Editor.See all Jean-Pierre "Raven"'s posts