I journeyed to the spirit of storm, the blizzard of 2015. This is a journey into non-ordinary reality.I asked, "what is your purpose?"I meet up with my ancestor weather teacher and several other of my helping spirits. We fly up above storm into Earth's atmosphere and look down - we enter storm by climbing steps on the exterior. As we clim...
We can put our whole heart into whatever we do; but if we freeze our attitude into for or against, we’re setting ourselves up for stress. Instead, we could just go forward with curiosity, wondering where this experiment will lead. This kind of open-ended inquisitiveness captures the spirit of enthusiasm, or heroic perseverance.Pema Chodron&am...
The Truth Warrior~ Empowering and Inspiring people to be fully authentic, loving, happy, peaceful and joyful in their lives.Our lives are governed by our beliefs. Many of them, we may believe to be thetruth. Often times these beliefs, can have the potential to create happiness or unhappiness in our lives and the world around us. Two people with the...