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The Healing Powers Of Keeping A Journal (And How To Stick With It) Posted by Paul DiSegna on January 21, 2015

By Barbara StepkoGet an injection, down those pills, and follow your M.D.'s advice to the letter: These are all pretty familiar forms of medicine. But if you want to enhance those healing powers, you might also consider something as simple as picking up a pen.Studies suggest that expressive writing (as in, the kind that begins "Dear diary...&q...

THE AWAKENED HEART OF BODHICHITTA Posted by Paul DiSegna on January 21, 2015

Bodhichitta is our heart—our wounded, softened heart. Right down there in the thick of things, we discover the love that will not die. This love is bodhichitta. It is gentle and warm; it is clear and sharp; it is open and spacious. The awakened heart of bodhichitta is the basic goodness of all beings.Pema Chodron

The Time For Living Is Now Posted by Paul DiSegna on January 15, 2015

The Time For Living Is Now
There are days, many of them really, when life feels like a slog through a muddy field. Day to day details, obligations, petty challenges and hurdles drag at you as you muddle through from morning 'til night, only to get up the next day and start over. You find yourself saying things like, "I just need to get through this one week, this one th...