I am me
Posted by Paul DiSegna
on August 6, 2014
I'm who I'm meant to be.I am my past, my present and who I want to be.I'm not anyone, I am all three.I am a work in progress,a destiny.I am who I choose to be.I am me.
Posted by Paul DiSegna
on August 6, 2014
Our true nature is like a precious jewel: although it may be temporarily buried in mud, it remains completely brilliant and unaffected. We simply have to uncover it.Pema Chodron
Posted by Paul DiSegna
on August 6, 2014
Jean-Pierre "Raven" GregoireAuthor of Love's True Home, Inspirational Writer, Life Coach, Romantic Poet, Mystic of Mayhem, Ghost Writer, Editor.Limitations are nothing more than self-imposed ghostly misconceptions. They vaporize into thin air when you learn to see through the walls, but first, you have to see the walls.See all Jean-Pierre...