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RITUALS CONNECT US TO RICHNESS Posted by Paul DiSegna on July 16, 2014

Ritual is about joining vision and practicality, heaven and earth, samsara and nirvana. When things are properly understood, one’s whole life is like a ritual or a ceremony. This is what’s behind ritual, these formalized things that get carried down in the religions of different cultures. Ritual, when it’s heartfelt, is like a tim...

Quote of the Day Posted by Paul DiSegna on July 15, 2014

The difference of race is one of the reasons why I fear war may always exist; because race implies difference, difference implies superiority, and superiority leads to predominance. Benjamin Disraeli

JOINING HEAVEN AND EARTH Posted by Paul DiSegna on July 9, 2014

Recently, in a friend’s kitchen I saw on the wall a quotation from one of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s talks, which said: “Hold the sadness and pain of samsara in your heart and at the same time the power and vision of the Great Eastern Sun. Then the warrior can make a proper cup of tea.”I was struck by it because when I ...