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Depression, Addiction, and Aikido: Contemplating the Death of Robin Williams Posted by Paul DiSegna on August 25, 2014

Like so many others last week, I was shocked and saddened, and also drawn into deep contemplation, on hearing that the beloved actor, comedian and social activist, Robin Williams, had taken his own life. As a hypnotherapist who has worked with many people suffering from depression, it reminded me of a shocking, and critical, teaching that I receive...

Uncomfortable Comfort Zone Posted by Paul DiSegna on August 21, 2014

Jean-Pierre "Raven" GregoireAuthor of Love's True Home, Inspirational Writer, Life Coach, Romantic Poet, Mystic of Mayhem, Ghost Writer, Editor.What many call the comfort zone is actually very uncomfortable. Many choose to put up with the misery rather than go for the gusto, which requires motivation and individual effort to see beyond th...

CONNECTING WITH JOY Posted by Paul DiSegna on August 21, 2014

The more we connect with a bigger perspective, the more we connect with energetic joy. Exertion is connecting with our appetite for enlightenment. It allows us to act, to give, to work appreciatively with whatever comes our way. If we really knew how unhappy it was making this whole planet that we all try to avoid pain and seek pleasure—h...