Embarking on the spiritual journey is like getting into a very small boat and setting out on the ocean to search for unknown lands. With wholehearted practice comes inspiration, but sooner or later we will also encounter fear. For all we know, when we get to the horizon, we are going to drop off the edge of the world. Like all explorers, we are dr...
Posted by Paul DiSegna
on June 2, 2016
One time I had a wonderful evening with the author Alice Walker. Someone had arranged for us to do an event together, and actually it turned out to be wonderful because she loves tonglen, and that's what she wanted to talk about. She said one of the things she does is takes note of when things are going well in her life, when she appreciates somet...
Re-PostThere are times when life is just great. You're feeling happy and confident, on top of your game. But other times - and sometimes, out of nowhere - things go downhill. Tragedies, accidents, stressful events, conflicts, hostility - we all face these things at some point. How do you continue being the best self you can be, in spite of what yo...