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LIKE FINGER PAINTING Posted by Paul DiSegna on May 5, 2016

The key to the tonglen practice is when you feel anything unpleasant, that's the only way that you understand what other people are going through. So when I feel fear, and I don't want to feel this anxiety gnawing at me, instead of asking how to get rid of this feeling—this edgy, uncomfortable, nervy, speedy feeling—instead of how to ge...

What People Will Think Posted by Paul DiSegna on May 2, 2016

What People Will Think
Re-PostWhat People Will ThinkBy MiroYou know what must be done but 4 words always hold you back:"What will people think?" has always halted your attackThose 4 words keep you from doing the things that must be doneTo own your life and live with confidence but everyoneCasts judging eyes which make you second-guess yourself and say"They...

YES! THIS IS HOW IT ALWAYS IS! Posted by Paul DiSegna on April 27, 2016

I first heard Dzigar Kongtrül Rinpoche teach in the spring of 2000. I recall the talk vividly because it awakened in me something I hadn't experienced with quite the same impact since my first teacher, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, died in 1987. It was a feeling of reconnecting with a wide-open perspective on reality, as if I'd been muddling...