Spring is in the air! Daffodils delight, wild iris glisten, bluebirds nesting, warm sunny days. Delightful indeed! And yet, haunting with our lack of rain here in California. Invisible imbalance, with sunny illusions. I think about the reality of our water situation as a metaphor of what is upon us.What are our sunny illusions? Where is our interio...
Posted by Paul DiSegna
on March 11, 2015
In the early seventies a friend kept telling me, “Whatever you do, don’t try to make those feelings go away.” His advice went on: “Anything you can learn about working with your sense of discouragement or your sense of fear or your sense of bewilderment or your sense of feeling inferior or your sense of resentment—...
Using Reiki, Crystals and Acupressure to Help You Sleep by Kriss EricksonThe calming, balancing frequencies of Reiki encourage a deep state of relaxation and trust that all in life is occurring as it must. That doesn’t mean that every moment in life feels ‘prefect’. The bigger perspective of Reiki helps to remind us that evenwhen ...