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​RIGHT NOW Posted by Paul DiSegna on February 10, 2016

The key instruction is to stay in the present. Don't get caught up in hopes of what you'll achieve and how good your situation will be some day in the future. What you do right now is what matters.Pema Chodron

​Bridging the Family Gap Posted by Paul DiSegna on February 9, 2016

​Bridging the Family Gap
Family is an interesting thing. Here we are, placed together in life with people who are meant to be the closest to us, and it's not always clear why we were put together this way. There's the family we choose, and the family we don't choose, woven together with all our strange similarities and differences. And there's always that family member tha...

REALITY IS ILLUSORY Posted by Paul DiSegna on February 3, 2016

A lot of what we're doing when we're sitting is beginning to connect. It's pointing yourself in the direction of beginning to wake up to the fact that the reality we assume, that we take for granted, is illusory. And it starts with seeing the transparency of our thoughts.Pema Chodron