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PRECIOUS HUMAN BIRTH Posted by Paul DiSegna on July 15, 2015

All of us have this precious human birth. We're fortunate enough not to be starving; we're fortunate enough to have food and shelter; we're fortunate enough to hear the teachings and be given methods to wake up; we're fortunate enough to have good intelligence and the luxury to explore and question why we and others suffer. We have a tremendous amo...

​DROP IT AND RELAX Posted by Paul DiSegna on July 8, 2015

Sometimes we're going to find ourselves completely caught up in a drama. We're going to be just as angry as if someone had just walked into the room and slapped us in the face. Then it might occur to us: "Wait a minute—what's going on here?" We look into it and are able to see that, out of nowhere, we feel that we have lost somethin...

​HABITUAL TENDENCIES CAUSE SUFFERING Posted by Paul DiSegna on July 1, 2015

When you practice staying present, one thing you'll quickly discover is how persistent the story line is. Traditionally, in the Buddhist texts, our tendencies with their habitual story lines are described as seeds in the unconscious. When the right causes and conditions come together, these preexisting propensities pop up like flowers in the spring...