Wednesday, April 15, 7:30pm(based on local time in your time zone)Future DatesWednesday - May 13, June 17 at 7:30pmYou are invited to take part in the next World Peace Card Meditations. Please mark your calendar and forward this email to all your friends.Thanks for Your Help!Because so many of you forwarded this email to your friends, there have be...
Many of our escapes are involuntary: addiction and dissociating from painful feelings are two examples. Anyone who has worked with a strong addiction—compulsive eating, compulsive sex, abuse of substances, explosive anger, or any other behavior that's out of control—knows that when the urge comes on it's irresistible. The seduction is t...
We can begin anything we do—start our day, eat a meal, or walk into a meeting—with the intention to be open, flexible, and kind. Then we can proceed with an inquisitive attitude. As my teacher Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche used to say, “Live your life as an experiment.” At the end of the activity, whether we feel we ...