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ZEN QUOTE of the WEEK - The Poetry of Zen Posted by Paul DiSegna on August 5, 2016

WHO SAYS MY POEMS ARE POEMS?Who says my poems are poems?They aren't poems at all.Only when you understand my poems aren't poemscan we talk poetry.—Ryōkan Excerpted from:The Poetry of ZenTranslated and edited by Sam Hamill and J.P. Seaton, page 159.

FEELING THREATENED BY PEACE-by Pema Chödrön Posted by Paul DiSegna on August 3, 2016

FEELING THREATENED BY PEACEThe peace that we are looking for is not peace thatcrumbles as soon as there is difficulty or chaos. Whetherwe're seeking inner peace or global peace or a combinationof the two, the way to experience it is to build onthe foundation of unconditional openness to all thatarises. Peace isn't an experience free of challenges,...

DHARMA QUOTE of the WEEK-by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche Posted by Paul DiSegna on August 3, 2016

Tender and BoredWhen you practice meditation, you are experiencing yourself as a thoroughly human being. This is how human beings should feel. We are nothing but human beings, pure human beings, who possess tenderness in our hearts. At the same time, we feel totally bored: tender and bored. You are a real person, a soft person, but also a bored pe...