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PRACTICING WITH STRONG EMOTIONS Posted by Paul DiSegna on May 27, 2015

When you touch a hot stove, as soon as you become aware of the pain, you immediately pull your hand away. You don't let it rest on the burner in order to explore the pain. In the same way, we stay present with strong emotion only very briefly at first. The instruction is: short moments again and again. Rather than trying to endure prolonged exposur...

THE DANGER OF CLINGING TO INSIGHT Posted by Paul DiSegna on May 20, 2015

There are some people who have tremendous insight into the nature of reality as vast and wonderful—what is sometimes called sacred outlook—but then they become completely dissatisfied with ordinary life. Rather than that glimpse of sacred outlook actually enriching their life, it makes them feel more poverty-stricken all the time. Often...

Dance Of Sound And Spirit Posted by Paul DiSegna on May 18, 2015

Dance Of Sound And Spirit
Katharine Rossi and I just created our first CD - Dance Of Sound And Spirit...We are coming up on our 5th year anniversary performing shamanic drum healing. In creating this CD, we wanted to create something that was useful and could be used over and over again. Shamanic drum healing will assist with three causes of imbalance. 1) Power loss - feeli...